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Pre-Listings, Pre-Sale, Sale to Post-Sale This section is primarily set up for those of you who are “Realtors” and “Mortgage Brokers”. For those of you who are the “Homeowner” there is a section added exclusively for you at the bottom of this page. JET CLEAN™’S job is to get your clients house ready for the Real-Estate market and we will also help you in the final closing stages of the Sale of this property... JET CLEAN™ will take care of all of your maintenance needs from beginning to end… Our goal is to make your customers home look its best even if the house hasn't been taken care of as well as it should have been… JET CLEAN™ will make your clients home look like the house was taken well care throughout it’s life. JET CLEAN™ will also add just the right finishing touch’s that will make the difference with the sale. More often than not, a 5-Year Roof
Certification generally requires work done before the certification
will be issued. In those rare situations where a 5 year roof
certification is issued without any work orders needed… Those situations are when the roof is well cleaned and maintained since that roof was built. If the roof was new less than 5 years ago, if the inspector sees no reason for any work orders or if a work order is ordered for a 5 year roof certification. That work order will generally be ordered as follows. JET CLEAN™ affectionately refers to this “5 Year Roof Certification” process as the cleaning process to get the certification as a “Punch-Out”. The “PUNCH-OUT” Steps are as Follows:
For those of you who are the “Homeowners” and looking for a 5 Year Roof Certification? JET CLEAN™ respectfully advises that you wait on the certification until you need one. If the home inspector for the buyers asks for a certification, at that time get the certification. The certification will not benefit you personally in any way at all. The Roof Certification is only “for” the institution that will be financing or carrying the loan for your home’s future owners. Of course, clean and take care of your roof for the presentation for the sale of your home. Get a basic idea of what you might be in for, in repairs. Do not treat your roof before the repairs are done unless JET CLEAN™ gave you a very good idea if you can certify the roof without any repairs. Our job in regards to you the “Homeowner” is to get the roof to certify without spending a small fortune… Go to “Get an
Exact FREE Bid on you’re Roof” |
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Jet Clean
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